Case Study: Aerial Photography Amid GNSS Disruption

Aerial Photography Amid GNSS Disruption

Background: The Oct. 7th conflict between Israel and Hamas poses significant challenges for manned aircraft operations throughout Israel. The disruptions and blockades not only jeopardize flight safety but also ground flights even in non-combat areas, leading to substantial revenue losses for aviation businesses. An Israeli company specializing in aerial photography using Cessna aircrafts, contact infiniDome […]

Case Study: Protecting Dual GNSS Receivers

Protecting Dual GNSS Receivers

Background: The Black-Eagle 50 E RUAV was designed for an advanced missions requiring high location precision. Since the beginning of 2023, Israeli airspace has been full of red and blue GNSS interference. These disruptions have only increased during the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. Heading data is vital for flight safety and successful completion […]

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