
Case Study: Protecting Dual GNSS Receivers

infiniDome Team 
April 2, 2024

1:40 pm

Protecting Dual GNSS Receivers

The Black-Eagle 50 E RUAV was designed for an advanced missions requiring high location precision. Since the beginning of 2023, Israeli airspace has been full of red and blue GNSS interference. These disruptions have only increased during the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. 

Heading data is vital for flight safety and successful completion of SIGINT and other special OPS missions, and can be received by a compass, a magnetometer, or by calculating the difference between 2 onboard GNSS receivers. Applications that calculate the difference between 2 onboard GNSS receivers and wish to ensure optimal performance, require protection of both of the GNSS receivers.

The Challenge:
The lack of reliable heading data due to GNSS signal disruption threatened the safety and completion of flight missions.  

Furthermore, the need to synchronize two distinct GNSS receivers onboard presented a technical difficulty. This synchronization was essential to maintain accurate and repeatable performance, which was critical for precisely calculating the heading (HDG).

The Solution:
To resolve this issue, we integrated the Black-Eagle 50E platforms with two of our GPSdome 1.03 systems with two antennas connected to each; thus ensuring both receivers get stable and precise GNSS signals.
Our team was hands-on throughout the integration process, including antenna placement, conducting on-site EW tests, and providing technical support as needed.

The Result:
The implementation of heading protection allowed the Black-Eagle 50Es to perform missions with enhanced safety and precision. Our customer reported being able to operate in jammed areas, in which they were unable to operate previously due to GNSS interference. 

Our protection systems provided the Black-Eagle 50E the capability to execute missions with greater safety and accuracy.
Since our GPSdome 1.03 C-SWaP solution is light weight, small size and consumes minimum power, it had a minor impact on the Black-Eagle 50E’s endurance and its payload capacity.
The integration was smooth and utilized advanced 3D Printed brackets for mounting, ensuring the basic configuration of the platform remained unaltered.

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