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Loitering Munition

GPS-guided loitering munitions are widely used today for medium-long range high-precision attacks. These flying warheads are a new category of unmanned airborne vehicles that are meant to spot, identify, attack, and destroy enemy assets. To do this, they must rely on their GNSS signals which are constantly threatened. For example, North Korea reportedly used Russian-made jamming technology capable of interrupting guided weapons to block South Korean GPS signals in 2011. Iran shot down and seized an RQ-170 Sentinel drone in the same year, claiming it had faked GPS data and directed the drone to land within Iranian territory. If a precision-guided bomb loses its target even seconds before striking, the consequences may be devastating. Future battlefields may be populated with jammers and spoofing technologies. Precision-guided munitions developers can no longer take it for granted that basic GPS-guidance systems will continuously function. Various forms of guided missiles, guided bombs, guided projectiles, and cruise missiles are examples of traditional precision-directed weapons where guidance control system is a key component of the design. Without GPS signal, loitering munitions are unable to navigate to their target (crusing is impaired) and long-range missions miss the target. Loitering munitions needing a solution that meets stringent C-SWAP requirements can be protected by our GPSdome, tiny, light and very affordable protection against GPS jamming. Our GPSdome 2 provides a high-end GNSS protection with disruptive C-SWAP mitigating jamming signals from up to three directions of attack simultaneously and allowing for loitering munitions to successfully complete missions and pinpoint targets under GPS challenged environments.
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